Community Images
Here are the latest images submitted by the Vietnam veterans’ community. Follow the link below to view more or upload your own.
Roll of Honour
521 Australians were killed while serving in Vietnam. You can look up a specific person here or leave a poppy by dragging the icon.
About this Project
The Australia’s Vietnam War website was created by the Military Operations Analysis Team (MOAT) at the University of New South Wales (Canberra).
It provides a unique way of exploring the Vietnam War in great detail, through the use of an interactive Battle Map.
Visitors to this site may register for an account and contribute personal stories, photos and videos against combat events on the Battle Map. The aim of this is to enrich the history of the Vietnam War for future generations.
Support Us
Support from the community, including donations, enables us to continually develop and refine features of this website.
Please consider donating.
Please donate via the University of New South Wales secure donations facility. All proceeds go directly to the website team.
Major donors will be acknowledged on this website.
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