George Arthur Cooper replied to the topic 7RAR in Saigon during Tet Offensive in the forum General Discussion 9 years, 3 months ago
It’s great to see photos of TET, in the photo from the Free World building it shows the rifle position on the first floor where I sat with quaking knees. The photo showwing the rooftop guard was also the location of the only casualty taken at the Canberra, A group of Sigs were on the roof watching the progress of ARVN down Nguyen Trai street that runs beside the BEQ, there was a serious…Read More
George Arthur Cooper started the topic 110 Sig Sqn (Saigon), the first morning of TET in the forum General Discussion 9 years, 3 months ago
Strange things had happened the night before, from the Canberra BEQ, down in Cholon we had seen (after coming back from the bars) a vigorous firefight up near the US Embassy. Those of us who worked in the city, SDS, general drivers and Linemen, thought that it had to be either the US or British Embassies (across the road) but couldn’t work out why there were so many helicopters…Read More
George Arthur Cooper started the topic 110 Sig Sqn (Saigon), the first morning of TET in the forum General Discussion 9 years, 3 months ago
Strange things had happened the night before, from the Canberra BEQ, down in Cholon we had seen (after coming back from the bars) a vigourus firefight up near the US Embassy. Those of us who worked in the city, SDS, general drivers and Linemen, thought that it had to be either the US or British Embassies (across the road) but couldn’t work out why there were so many helicopters…Read More
George Arthur Cooper started the topic HQ AFV prior and during TET in the forum General Discussion 9 years, 3 months ago
One of the things I can find no reference too was the disarming of over 200 Australian soldiers in Saigon/Cholon/Ton San Nuit area in the week sprior to TET! The senior officers of HQ AFV decided that having a number of armed soldiers around didn’t give the “right look” so in their eternal widom came up with a scheme……!
On the pretext of a weapons inspection they removed, after…Read More
George Arthur Cooper replied to the topic 7RAR in Saigon during Tet Offensive in the forum General Discussion 9 years, 3 months ago
That incident has been in my memory forever! On the night I was asleep on the 5th floor of the Canberra BEQ (My room opened onto the balcony) when I heard automatic fire! I thought “that sounds like an AR (Automatic Rifle L2A1), the cook on guard at the front door of the hotel has an AR, the cook on the front door is firing his AR!!!!!!!!”
After rolling out of bed, I grabbed my M2…Read More
George Arthur Cooper became a registered member 9 years, 3 months ago